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PUQE SCORE - Choose the answer that best corresponds to the last 24 hours.

This test is to be carried out for information purposes and does not replace medical advice. 

How many times have you been nauseous?

[In the last 24 hours]

How many times have you vomited? ? 

[In the last 24 hours]

How many times have you hadretching ?

(Emetic efforts without vomiting) 

[In the last 24 hours]

Koren G. et al. Motherisk-PUQE (pregnancy-unique quantification of emesis and nausea) scoring system for nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2002;186(5 Suppl Understanding):S228-S231. doi:10.1067/mob.2002.123054


6Mild vomiting

 Between 7 and 12  Moderate vomiting (Hyperemesis gravidarum)

 ≥13Severe vomiting (Severe hyperemesis gravidarum - hospitalization indicated)

Envie d'obtenir un résultat automatique ? 

Hospitalization criteria

Weight loss ≥ 10% (compared to the initial weight before pregnancy)


PUQE Score ≥ 13/15 or ≥ 86.6%


Creatinine > 100 µmol/L


Hyponatremia < 120 mmol/L


Hypokalemia < 3 mmol/L


Resistance to previously tested treatments.

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