Hyperemesis gravidarum in a few figures
women are affected by hyperemesis gravidarum per year in Belgium.
* This figure is certainly underestimated
Professionals and students have been made aware of hyperemesis gravidarum since January 2023 by our association
> 50
Testimonials or SOS have been sent to our association since July 2022
official abortions caused by a lack of support and information since January 2023
How to help you?
Inform you
One of our objectives is to raise awareness and inform as many people as possible through multiple media.
Guide you
A list of HB-friendly doctors is being created so that you can meet a professional aware of the pathology
Support you
OurAmbassadors experienced hyperemesis gravidarum. They are present forsustain, advise to guide families and women affected byH.G.. They also represent their region.
189, Rue de la Sablonnière
7390 Wasmuel
Head office
Unfortunately, we do not have premises to accommodate you.
+32487 678 435 - In case of SOS leave a short message